My husband has already lost over 20 pounds and his physique is improving dramatically. He's been getting up at 4:30am every morning and doing the boot-camp style exercise. His motivation is that he's 46 years old and wants to be around for our 3 year old daughter.
The thing is, when I am active, I feel better and I have more energy. I know this! How do I turn this "couch potato" into an active woman? I have a gym membership with daycare provided... I have the Wii Fit... I have the time to go... No excuses! Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight!
Sometimes I wish I were Jillian Michaels' sister, then I wouldn't get away with this!! She'd be brutal, but in the end it would be worth it, right? Where is my motivation, my mojo? It has to be here some where.
two weeks ago I was exactly where you are now. I looked at myself and said "I absolutely have to do something." I was not happy with myself and I couldn't allow anyone else to be happy with me. I considered dropping out of softball because I was too out of shape. That's when I decided I needed to stop being a fat lazy pig and do something. I'm not a very good dieter, I cheat like crazy. I am setting small goals for myself, like if I go to the gym consistantly for two weeks, I'll get my hair done. I made the goals not by how much weight I lose, but how long I continue to try. I'm trying to not only lose weight, but gain muscle so the weight loss number is rather irrelevant to me right now. You can do it, girl :)