No Baby Maker Here

My Mother-In-Law brought our niece, Korryn and her daughter, Melodie to see visit today. They flew in on Friday from Colorado for two weeks. This is the first time we've met Melodie, who was born on February 19. She is so VERY adorable... those Gjerness cheeks make me laugh. <- Maddi had/has them too!

Now, while I think she is just a doll, it firms up my decision to not have any more kids myself. One is enough... well, kind of five, but that's not the point. I absolutely do not, I repeat, DO NOT want to have any more babies. And yes, that is written in stone. Korryn, if you ever read this, it has nothing to do with Melodie directly, so no offense intended! I am grateful that Dale is on the same page as me!

It's funny, cuz I can't even remember Maddi being that small! When I look at pictures, she just looks so different. What's even more funny is that I used to think she was the cutest baby when she was younger too... she must be getting cuter as she gets older! I'm not biased or anything.

1 comment:

  1. I don't blame you one bit. You know when enough is enough.
