This is one of those weeks that I wish I had just planned to do absolutely nothing. I have had to cancel just about everything scheduled...
Maddi is teething, and I mean TEETHING! She is 20 months and has 6 teeth... the dentist says this is a good thing. She is getting several right now <- Why do they need to come all at once? To top it off, she also has what appears to be a cold... I know low grade fevers and runny noses are part of teething... accept her boogers are greenish this morning.
If you have never had a migraine, I envy you! I get them on a monthly basis, if you know what I mean. Stress is also a trigger, and I get plenty of that! So, this week, I've had 2... and crossing my fingers that my headache this morning is just that, a headache, NOT another migraine. I've been on medications to help prevent them, but they really don't work. I'm left with taking Maxalt when I do get a migraine, which usually works. I'm thinking, um, I dunno, learning that my hubby's job is in jeopardy, didn't help! I have considered trying acupuncture... you get to a point when you'll just try anything! Drinking does not help... LOL, I've tried it!
We both just need to feel better by the end of the day... no, ifs, ands or buts! We have plans this weekend that I am just not willing to cancel! So there!
Meanwhile, I want to just curl up like a cat and sleep... for now.
The Death of Retail Is Entirely My Fault {Oops!}
5 years ago
Sorry about your migraines :( Those suck.