Frantic, First Time Mom

Today, I was that frantic first time mom who rushed her child into the dentist office only to find out that the “injury” is very common. Maddi and I were at our play date… she fell and hit her mouth on the corner of a table… blood every where! She wouldn’t let me look to see where the blood was coming from… not that I could, there was so much of it! We got into the car and headed to our WONDERFUL dentist who took a quick look and told me it was okay. Whew! It’s pretty swollen, but she’s going to be fine. I think I was still shaking at the time… breath in, breath out.

However, I am grateful that I’ve dealt with other kids with bloody mouths when I was a toddler teacher… so, no real panicking on my part.

Now she’s napping. I’m afraid to look at her lip when she wakes up… so sad. My husband reminded me that this is just the FIRST time something like this will happen. This is the part of motherhood that totally freaks me out. When I was a toddler, I split my lip open several times… getting stitches 3 of those times… you can still see scars.

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