Not getting much sleep last night, really made for a crummy day. I don't even want my usual Captain-n-Diet Coke, cuz I'm sure I will fall right to sleep. <- That sounded way worse than I meant... I swear, I don't have a problem (well, that problem, anyway).

Of course, Maddi is teething... she's little Miss. Grumpy-Pants! And this does not make my mood any better. To top it all off, it's THAT time too! It really sucks to be a woman! Grrr... I wanna bite every body's head off... GO AWAY AND LEAVE ME ALONE!

I had to return to Walmart today to make some exchanges... while I was there, I got quite a chuckle. While I was looking at hair products, I noticed 2 very bald men looking at Rogaine. I actually laughed out loud... when they looked my directions, I pretended to be laughing at Maddi. Do they really think it's going to help at this point? Seriously?

My hubby and I got a call tonight from Andrew, our oldest son, who is in AIT training for the Army. He is very happy in Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio, TX. He was bored in basic training, but he's much more challenged here. So far, it looks like he will still be able to come home for 4th of July weekend... as long as he stays at the top of his class! He will!

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