You're Fired!

Back in January, I was fired from a job for the very first time in my life. The funny part is, I quit 2 times prior to that! It was a mutual departure, none-the-less. At the time, I was struggling with depression and anxiety, not to mention the fight to keep my family intact was a losing battle. So, working wasn't quite in my cards! Now, I'm sure you're wondering why I was fired... it was an honest, stupid mistake that could have happened to anyone in the same situation! So, I was fired with a rehirable status... YAY!

I received a phone call from my old boss... yes, the same one who fired me... to see if I wanted to come back in a different position. I've been so excited about this, because I'm studying to get my AS in Early Childhood Education... and this particular job is PERFECT! The timing is better, and so-on-and-so-forth.

Last night, I got a call from the same old boss to let me know there has been a mistake and I'm not "rehirable" after all. I am very bummed about this... I miss the kids, my co-workers, and a purpose each day. She is very angry by this realization and is trying to work around it. Meanwhile, I've basically been fired again... before I even started!

While dealing with this, I'm also frustrated with the process of flying my stepchildren home from living with their "mother" in the Cayman Islands. She is making every step of these arrangements as difficult as possible... ranging from requiring so much time between layovers, to unaccompanied minor issues (these issues are in her own head), all the way to completely refusing to pay any portion of the children's airfare. My husband has certain rights under WA state law that prohibits her from keeping his children from him... maybe, she needs to read up on family law a little more. Over the past couple of years, I've researched this so much, I should be studying to be a paralegal!

At this time, I think we're buying one-way tickets for both kids just to get them home. We'll have to figure out the return flight for Josh later. I know she's doing this because she doesn't want Josh to see his father at all... apparently, she can be mom and dad? Who needs their father, right? WRONGO BUCKO!

Good times! Thank God, we leave for vacation next Wednesday!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry, that really sucks. They're missing out.
